"Kraftwerk of the 21st century. Without the drum machine. Without the binary code. Without the robots, models, numbers, calculators, electric cafés, codes, suffering, torment, crucifixion, misery, abandonment or sacrifice. Tannu Tuwa is the future of pop. I am sure of it just as Bowie was back in 1977. when he watched The Human League and said "this is the future of pop music". And he was right. Tannu Tuwa is the future and avantgarde of 21st century pop."
by Vladimir Horvat
TANNU TUWA Illusions LP live #StraightFromHamburg
– June/August 2024 @Clouds Hill Recordings studio(Hamburg)
– Producer: Jacob Bergson
– January 2025: Mastering upcoming LP&singles with Alex DeTurk, Bunker studios, New York
– January 2025 -singles release
– February 2025 Illusion LP release Vinyl/Digital
"An avantgarde approach with an explorer's enthusiasm showcases this band's authority and compentence in a completely different and innovative way on the concurrent local scene. This approach will provide the world with a completely new experience of live music and graphical presentation."
by Vladimir Horvat